Myself with Lombard St. the worlds twistiest street. I would not be a fan of living on this street... Basically, I would become a mirror serial killer. Plus all the people throwing tennis balls down your road would get old.
Love the windows that slant with the staircase!
The pier next to pier 39 (whichever that was) in Fisherman's Wharf
The sea lion invasion on the pier. I imagine that guy being all like "Say now, I'm in charge here. Fish for a photo." He needs a monocle.
So tie tie...
Cable Car Frenzy!
So. Much. Effort. To. Go. Anywhere. Ahhhhh legs.
This last one by the way... The parking area in the Presidio by the point overlook is a logistical NIGHTMARE! (Soooo muuuuch honking. Seriously people, calm it down.) It's got to be one of those places that the parks department hasn't updated since 1960 despite a few hundred thousand extra annual visitors. Highly recommend anyone considering driving up there to just take the shuttles. Also, there are only 4 female bathroom stalls so time your line waiting wisely.
Tasty eating spots:
We loved San Fran so much when we were there in 2001! Its definitely a place we want to re-visit someday. You had such a clear day to see the Golden Gate. We never got to see the entire thing due to low clouds (or fog?)... they told us there aren't many days of the year that you can actually see the entire bridge. Craziness.